"A formal education will earn you a living.
Self-education will earn you a fortune."
- Jim Rohn
"You decide how much of a fortune you want to earn, by how much you self-educate."
- Jeffrey Gitomer

Sales Assessment
You cant "think" how good you are at sales, you have to "know" how good you are at sales and where you excel and where you need help. This assessment will show you both. This is the only skills-based sales assessment on the planet.

Sales Assessment and Sales Certification
30 hours of strategic and critical learning points for sales and personal development are explained with specific examples but you must take the test to be certified. (Plus the Sales Assessment free!)
(Includes FREE Sales Assessment)

Attitude Course
Every successful person (and salesperson) has one thing in common: a YES! Attitude that's powerful enough to help them achieve the impossible! This course is a complete, step-by-step game plan for understanding and mastering your YES! attitude.

Sales Warrior Course
Sales are won one battle at a time. This course will teach you how to win peacefully. Sales Attitude, Value First, Overcoming Objections, and the Closing Business courses included.

New Normal Course
There is a very specific strategy to sales recovery in this new economic environment. The New Normal Course will tell you exactly why and exactly how.

7 Figure Sales Formula Course
Every salesperson wants to make million dollar sales, but no one teaches you that the foundation of successful selling starts with thousand dollar sales. This course is both foundational and implementable at any level.
Want All Access to Everything? Become an Insider
Every person on the planet wants to improve and sell more, make more, earn more. Period. The only way to ensure the fact that you're going to make more, earn more, and sell more is to have a complete game plan for personal development. That's why I created the Insider’s Club so that salespeople, coaches, and entrepreneurs can get all the information they need in one place to stay encouraged, stay enthusiastic, stay informed and become even more successful. The Insider’s Club has 3 main pillars:

Like any sport, salespeople are out to win the game. When you have coaches behind you, supporting you and encouraging you, your percentage of win is not only higher, it's more likely and more profitable. In the Insider’s Club, you have access to a monthly group coaching call with Jeffrey Gitomer and the ability to get peer coaching inside our group.

This program attracts an amazing cohort of people who share a common drive and passion for success. The Insider’s club online allows you to join a group of people that are not only on fire, they are capable and willing to help. When you join, you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

Content by itself is not much use to any salesperson unless it's applicable. Jeffrey Gitomer has spent the past 30 years creating applicable content that you can use the minute you learn it. You'll get access to the New Normal Course, 7 Figure Sales Formula, Sales Warrior course, Assessment and Certification. Topics include attitude, closing, referrals, value, overcoming objections and more!
Jeffrey offers personalized, customized content and real-world solutions that will make sales and turn sales whiners into sales winners.
The hallmark outcome of learning from Jeffrey Gitomer is:
You can take his information into the street one minute after you hear it and turn it into money.
Jeffrey’s seminars and keynotes do not have titles. The reason is that every single seminar is customized and personalized for your company, your people, your customers and your desired outcomes.
Are you still trying to ‘find the pain’, make cold calls, manipulate the close, or satisfy customers rather than keep them loyal? If so, then you need a sales wake-up call and Jeffrey is your alarm clock.